although i said i wouldnt forget about this blog and that i would post daily, i havent updated in over a month...but with good reason i suppose. i've been super busy looking for a new apartment to stay in for the fast approaching school year, i just started summer school, and all in all, i just kinda felt like spending my time with my friends and family rather than blogging all day would be a more productive way to spend my summer.
oh and i forgot to mention that i was becoming a bit bored of the clothes that i owned and as a result, felt no need to document them through pictures and blog posts. however, recently i've been trying my best to reincorporate them into some new looks with a few new articles of clothing that i sewed myself.
take this outfit for instance:
this was early on in the summer when i had a picnic in the park with my mister and we decided to dress up in red and white. too bad after we decided this, i realized that i didnt really have anything that i wanted to wear. so i whipped up this skirt from some fabric that i had hanging around and i took my mom's old ill-fitting white top and altered it to fit me like a glove. i also made the flower headband.

right after i finished sewing the skirt and altering my mom's white top

in front of a beautiful victorian house at the park that we went to

me and my mister of three years ♥

my boyfriend and his cousin built a treehouse in his backyard so i had to take a picture in it! too awesome. it even has a little bucket attached to a pulley's sole purpose is to haul a buttload of cold brewskies up to the treehouse. ahh, summer laziness.
shoes: classified
white basic top: banana republic
skirt and flower headband: made by me